Since we launched iSmallBizCredit, by far the most frequent piece of feedback we received was: you need to make it possible for people outside the US to obtain working capital and business funding financing. Starting Tuesday February 20, 2018, iSmallBizCredit all in one merchant platform will be available for use by any business based in Canada. It’s an integrated payment processing and business lending platform that we offer in the US now. A payment processing and merchant account platform combined with the ability to obtain business financing within 24 hours. Thanks to our friends in Canada for helping us launch!!! We've been testing our service in Canada over the winter. In many ways, launching in Canada is a big step for us. At iSmallBizCredit, our extensive industry knowledge and technology has allowed us to revolutionize the alternative funding system, making working with us a seamless experience. We have one goal in mind which is to provide the best poss...